The Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS) is an interdisciplinary research center chartered by the provost and affiliated with the College of Science at George Mason University, Fairfax VA, 22030, U.S.A.
CSISS currently operates Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards (LAITS)
CSISS is a member of the National Committee on Information Technology Standards Technical Committee L1 and a member of Open GIS Consortium (OGC).
CSISS Misson:
* To conduct world-class research in spatial information science and system.
* To provide state-of-art research training to post-doctoral fellows, Ph.D. and Master students in the field.
CSISS Research Focus:
* Theory and methodology of spatial information science;
* Standards and Interoperability of spatial data, information, knowledge, and systems;
* Architecture and prototype of widely distributed large spatial information systems, such as NSDI, GSDI, and GEOSS, as well as service-based spatial knowledge and decision-making systems;
* Exploration of new information technologies that have potential applications in Spatial Information Science (SIS);
* The applications of SIS in the social sectors having either national interests or major commercial values, such as renewable energy, location-based mobile services, intelligent transportation, and homeland security.
Contact Information
Please contact Prof. Liping Di, Director of CSISS:
* E-mail: ldi@gmu.edu
* Phone: 703-993-6114
* Fax: 703-993-6127
* Conference room: 703-993-6128
* Mailing Address: 4400 University Drive, MSN 6E1, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030
* Physical Address: 4087 University Drive Suite 3100, Fairfax, VA 22030